Here's one of MSNBC's lead headlines from today: "GOP Race Shaping up as Two-Man Confrontation." It's about the debate last night, the two men being Romney and Perry.
And here are the results of MSNBC's viewers' poll.
Ron Paul . . . . . . 52.6% of the votes
Mitt Romney . . . 16.3%
Rick Perry . . . . . 13.6%
Huntsman, Gingrich, Cain, Bachmann, and Santorum . . . all below 7%.
MSNBC ran the debate.
MSNBC ran the poll when it was done.
MSNBC ran the headline the next day.
See the disconnect here?
But it's not just on the Left. Oh, no.
Today Sean Hannity tells Romney the debate made it clear that "You and Rick Perry are the frontrunners." Finally, the Right and Left can agree on something.
The disconnect is not between the media and some guy running for Pres. It's between the establishment and the people. The mainstream media are just as much a part of the establishment as any smokey backroom in DC. They're thumbing their nose at us and at the same time sinking deeper into irrelevance.
I love it.
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