Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the 3 most disturbing words on TV: "Move That Bus!"

If you have in your head a picture of my big wooden house and it's anything other than a drafty, leaky, ergonomically hazardous eyesore, please discard it. Yes, it's big. Almost three times the size of our last one, but it's low-end big. It's pole-barn big, not Pottery Barn big, if that makes sense. It's squat and brown and cedar sided. I often refer to it (privately, as H doesn't like me to say it out loud) as "the turd." Don't get me wrong. I like my house. It serves my family well. But it's just a house.

I was reminded of that last night as I watched water drip from the ground-floor bathroom ceiling. I was reminded for the next hour as I crawled through the space above trying to sort out the maze of pipes--water, drains, and roof vents. And I'll be reminded again over the weekend when I re-grout the boys' shower. It's just a house, just a temporary place this side of eternity to spend our days out of the weather. But it's sooo easy to make it something more. Mike Cosper of the Gospel Coalition speaks to this tendency to make our homes, and other "lesser things", idols to be worshiped:  http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tgc/2010/11/22/the-3-most-disturbing-words-on-tv/

It's also a good follow-up to Kevin's sermon on holiness from last Sunday. And Kevin's blog post for today is a good summation of that sermon: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevindeyoung/2010/11/23/the-hole-in-our-holiness/

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